The Simply Healthy Experience Week Live Workshop has ended BUT you can get instant access to the recorded classes until the 3rd August. Simply sign up below and you'll receive your link to get instant access. 

3 Elements to Positive Change

  1. Knowledge – simplified, bite sized, applicable
  2. Intention and motivation, because this is actually what allows us to change  - CORE
  3. Environment/Lifestyle (what’s going on in your world right now) 

In the workshop, we’ll be taking the first step in the Simply Healthy Journey and diving into the core – motivation and intention to understand ourselves better, shift our mindset, so that making changes becomes something that is easy, sustainable, enjoyable and last. 


... and so you avoid stress, feeling overwhelmed, or going through the same thing you may have experienced before – trying everything but nothing works and nothing sticks!


Simply healthy is not a diet, or about dieting – it’s not a rigid way of eating. 


– it’s an amazing way of living, that simplifies  - everything


 - that connects out diet, our lives to our purpose  - to our Creator and subhan Allah, when we do that, greater health and energy naturally follows.


It's going to to be awesome! Ins haa Allah. 

  • You'll have me for a whole week: 100% dedicated to the group that signs up, connecting with you, answering your questions, supporting you as you do the workshop and do the activities. I’m going to be all in.  
  • We are going to be simplifying healthy and making it a fun and enjoyable experience and doing incredible exercises that can completely transform your mindset, motivate you and give you the tools and motivation to move forward on your health journey, and to feel excited and happy about it.
  • I’m not holding back – this is content that I usually give paid clients - all yours. For that week.

​​​This is not just another 'nutrition program' - Simply healthy is a new way of looking at food, at our lives - it's about simplifying and creating ease - in everything.. 


A bit about me and my journey...


I’m Umm Sakeenah (Kate), Founder of Healthy Muslimah and I'm going to be totally honest with you, my journey to healthier living has not been a smooth one - not even remotely. It's been a messy, bumpy road! It took me 10 years, a whole lot of trial and error, reading loads of books, doing tons of research, bouncing between food fads (raw, juicing, gluten free...), watching documentary after documentary, qualifying as a nutrition consultant...and a whole lot of deep thought and reflection... to come to the conclusion that….


...the key to Healthy eating lies in absolute simplicity...  


Yup, after all that, the key to health is actually simple! If only someone had told me when I was starting out!


You see, in spite of all the complex information out there, the foundation of health doesn’t lie in food fads, food gurus or even wildly expensive superfoods – of course, these can have benefit (especially at a therapeutic level) but at a foundation level – at the core, the key to good health lies in pure simplicity! It's pure logic. 


That logic is simply trusting that the Creator knows

what His creation needs. 


Think about it, the Prophet ﷺ didn’t agonize over nutrient content. He didn’t count calories, or follow food fads. He didn’t spend exorbitant amounts of money on superfoods, going out of his way to shop for incredibly expensive imported products. He ﷺ simply ate the natural whole food that Allah provided for him.  


The foundation of health is so incredibly simple and it’s solidly founded in our deen, yet it goes against the ‘food fad, foodie' craze of complex information we are being bombarded with. That’s exactly why I wrote Then and Now. Food in the Time of the Prophet and Food Now. If you’ve read it, you’ll know, it cuts through all the nutritional 'noise' out there,  makes things crystal clear and provides food for thought (literally) in a way that no other book on the market does. 

.......but back the simple key to journey and why I want to help you on yours... 


In a nutshell, it took me 10 years, and a seriously bumpy ride to understand the simple key to health and how to implement simplicity to gain health, energy, vitality, avoiding overwhelm while having it taste good too! I so wish I'd had support in the beginning and someone to say, "The key to healthy eating is simple, and here's the first step"... and we'll be taking that first step on the week long Simply Healthy Experience Workshop

I wanted to say sis the workshop was just simply awesome, I watched it with my family and shared with my friend. The best part is how much my children have taken in from just a short workshop so I can't wait to receive your book and read with them. Next day we went to pick up our weekly grocery and take this, my children were very smart about what they were putting in the shopping trolley and asking themselves "Do we need this or can we live without it?" The trolleys were full of fresh natural food and I was one proud mum with a big smile coming deep from my heart. Not once my children asked to buy anything sugary or non-beneficial to our body, my little 7-year-old was reminding me that "Mummy remember cereal has hidden sugars that’s bad for us". She has been eating plain yogurt with banana for sweetness. 

Sister Roshna

(I have to be honest - I got a lump in my throat when I first read this, subhanAllah) 

Get a week of guidance, encouragement and support every step of the way. 

We do better together and when we have clear guidance and support. Join me and a group of beautiful like-minded for a week of Simply healthy living and transformation! 

"It's about being good to yourself. Nourishing yourself body, mind and soul. And others. 

"Learn how to SIMPLIFY. Gain health and energy so that you can feel better for YOU, and when YOU feel better, you are able to serve others better and worship Allah better. It's as simple as taking the first tiny step, then another..." 

Umm Sakeenah (Kate) - Healthy Muslimah 


Why Join the Simply Healthy Exprience? 

I know there are plenty of nutrition programs out there! What makes Simply Healthy different from other experiences is that it’s health and wellness SIMPLIFIED in a way you’ve never seen before. It's faith-based, and specifically designed to bring maximum benefit and impact without being overwhelming, giving you knowledge, motivation and support you need every step of the way.

Join us this July and invite friends and family! Everyone's welcome! 




It took me a long time to realize that eating a bowl of potato chips, especially at night, would affect not only my mood, sleep, and choices at my next meal but also that eating junky foods like chips actually affected my desire to read and learn.


Reflecting on how I eat, I realised how I don’t really eat mindfully. It’s pretty much on the go even if I’m sat eating - I’m thinking about something else!


So much of what we’re taught about health and eating is far removed from our fitra and the prophetic example. However, by choosing to embrace a more divine way of eating – we can literally change the makeup of our bodies.


I was thinking to myself how some of us say, “Let me eat unhealthy today—I will diet tomorrow!” How can we be certain that there will be a tomorrow! So I changed my mindset, and now I remind myself every day that yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not guaranteed but I have been blessed with today to make a positive change. Allah has trusted me with His amaanah, my health and my body, and I must take good care of it exactly how Allah would want to receive it back. Positive change starts from inside. A good, healthy, natural food diet leads to healthy functioning organs and body. Just like we need food, we need spiritual nourishment to keep our heart and soul healthy which then leads to external positive changes and increased productivity. 


Simply Healthy is a Healthy Muslimah Program operated under the Healthy Muslimah Platform. 


© Copyrights by Healthy Muslimah. All Rights Reserved.